‘The Desire for Freedom’ – Now as smartphone app!
‘Good things come to those who wait’ – our exhibition app is finally and officially in the stores!
It took us a while, but after all this is our first exhibition application for smartphones and there are definitely things you only learn during the process of developing. Anyway are we smarter now, have an app and it’s free!
Jane Meresmaa-Roos – Curator of the Art Education Programme at Kumu
The story of a museum is written not only by its objects and exhibitions but also and foremost by its visitors. Without its visitors, as Jane put it, a museum is ‘just a room with beautiful paintings, sculptures and installations’. To fill it with life, you need people who are willing to experience what a museum has to offer. To bring the museum’s objects to life, you need someone who can tell their story. One of these people is Jane Meresmaa-Roos, who works at Kumu’s Art Education Programme.
Hilkka Hiiop – Chief Conservator at Kumu
One of the many problems museum conservators have with contemporary or modern art is how to actually conserve and preserve the art works. Many of them were never made to last longer than a couple of months – the duration of an exhibition – or just a couple of hours or days. Not to mention those cases in which art works were not recognized as such and cleaned or thrown away. A nightmare for any artist or conservator.
Terje Luure – Kumu’s Exhibition Architect
Our exhibition has just opened in Tallinn – the third and for now last station of 'The Desire for Freedom. Art in Europe since 1945'. Not only has the city (and country) changed, also the name is different: 'Critique and Crises. Art in Europe since 1945' is the new and at the same time old title. Why old?
Goodbye DHM – und nun?
Vor einigen Wochen rief das Residenzmuseum München zur Kultur-Blogparade 2013 auf. Kulturinstitutionen wurden gebeten über ihren Arbeitsalltag zu berichten, hinter die Kulissen zu schauen, über anstehende Projekte, Ausstellungen und Veränderungen zu erzählen. Nun haben wir das Zeitfenster (Frist war Sonntag, der 17.02.) leider verpasst (und entschuldigen uns vielmals dafür!), wollten aber dennoch kurz ein paar Zeilen schreiben, wie es bei uns weitergeht.