German Historical Museum


Permanent Exhibtion | Current Exhibitions | Sheduled Exhibitions


Permanent Exhibition

Plakat - Die Ständige Ausstellung des Deutschen Historischen Museums

German History
in Images and Artefacts from Two Millenia

An exhibition hosted by the German Historical Museum



Current Exhibtions



Exhibition Hall / First floor
1813 – Auf dem Schlachtfeld bei Leipzig.Ein Rundgang durch das Gemälde „Siegesmeldung“ von Johann Peter Krafft

22 August to 23 March 2014
1813 – At the Battlefiled near Leipzig
A tour through the painting “Declaration of Allied Victory” by Johann Peter Krafft




Sheduled Exhibitions

Exhibition Hall / Ground floor
Colour for the Republic. Commissioned photography on life in the GDR

21 March to 31 August 2014
Colour for the Republic.
Commissioned photography on life in the GDR



Exhibition Hall / Basement
1914-1918. The First World War

5 June 2014 to 7 December 2014
The First World War



Exhibition Hall
Targets. Photographs by Herlinde Koelbl

9 May to 5 October 2014
Photographs by Herlinde Koelbl