Catalog No.: 24
The American millionaires are
OF PEACE because the "business"
in Korea makes golden Profits.
On 30.3.1951 the New York Herald Tribune published an article from the
Kansas City Star which read: "We would like to give the people at
the Stock Market a word of comfort...
The Stock Market is of course a verry sensitive establishment... But should
it not be possible for the Stock Market to be more steadfast against what's
known as "the fear of peace?"
A few days ago the Stock Market had one of its worst days... But must
the hope of peace or peace itself, if it were to come, be such a terrible
thing that the Stock Market is panicked into unloading shares?...
The Stock Market or those who control it should be in a position to balance
out the Situation so that even if it came to the worst and we had peace
in Korea, we could comfort ourselves in the knowledge that a war is looming
in some other place."
War is the business of the American millionaires!
Today Korea - tomorrow it's supposed to be Germany. The peoples of the
world will obtain peace by force!
They demand, along with all Germans: An end to American murder"!
Away with "German" accomplices!
1951; offset printing
(Published by the Central Committee of the SED, Agitation Dept; printed
by Sachsenverlag, Leipzig, edition: 20,500)
h 59.7, w 83.8.
Inv. no.: P90/390