Divided Germany and Reunification

Two German states were established in 1949. The German Democratic Republic formed a Socialist one-party regime according to the Soviet model. West Germany was set up under the influence of the Western Allies as a democratic, federalist state. The border between the two states initially consisted of barbed wire. In 1961 a wall was built in Berlin. The "Cold War" of the super powers determined foreign policy. In the1970s, however, a process of détente began, carried forward by the world powers. West Germany remained committed to democratic principles despite economic crises and domestic policy conflicts, whereas the high national debt, an inflexible planned economy and rigid power structures accelerated the downfall of the GDR regime at the end of the 1980s. The opening of the Berlin Wall sealed the end of the GDR state and paved the way for its accession to West Germany on October 3, 1990, with the consent of the Allies in the Two plus Four Agreement. Berlin became the capital and seat of government.

Service Uniform Coat for the Captain of the Ministry / State Secretariat for State Security.
(Inv.Nr. U 72/9)

"Trabant P 50/2", 1962.
(Inv.Nr. HI 90/14)

Small Typewriter "Optima Elite 3" with Cleaning Accessories, from 1955.
(Inv.Nr. HI 90/21)

Gerhard Marcks, Portrait of Konrad Adenauer, 1955.
(Inv.Nr. Pl 99/6)

Cross of the Wall Memorial at the Reichstag, after 1971.
(Inv.Nr. Pol 2003/1)

Postcard "Zonengrenze Helmstedt Autobahn-Kontrollpunkt", ca. 1960.
(Inv.Nr. PK 99/1)

Folding Armchair No. 277 of the Former Plenary Hall’s Seating of the German Bundestag in Bonn, 1949.
(Inv.Nr. KG 2001/2)

Stick Vacuum Cleaner Vorwerk "Kobold", ca. 1955.
(Inv.Nr. AK 2000/199.1-10)

Catalog of the "Konsument-Versandhaus Karl-Marx-Stadt", 1962.
(Inv.Nr. Do2 2000/602)

Advertising Panel "Beamtenheimstättenwerk BHW", 1950-1969.
(Inv.Nr. AK 2000/59)

Brochure on Resettlers in the GDR and Relations with Poland, ca. 1952.
(Inv.Nr. DG 56/1136)

Sheet Music with the Lyrics of the GDR’s National Anthem, November 7, 1949.
(Inv.Nr. Do 58/82)

Brochure on the Rearmament of the GDR, 1955.
(Inv.Nr. DG 63/1187)

Application by a Citizen of the GDR to the City Council for a Trip to Berlin (West), July 25, 1986.
(Inv.Nr. Do2 90/1488)

Stamp of the Central Office of the State Justice Administration for the Investigation of NS Crimes, 1960-1970.
(Inv.Nr. AK 99/431)

Button Perestrojka, 1985/1989.
(Inv.Nr.A 2001/1)

Button Glasnost, 1985-1989.
(Inv.Nr. A 2001/2)

Computer "PC 1715" with Screen, Keyboard, Cables and Other Accessories, before 1989.
(Inv.Nr. AK 99/23)

5 Deutsche Mark, 1951.
(Inv.Nr. N 96/43)

Medal of Remembrance of the 11 Israeli Olympic Participants who were killed in a Terrorist Attack by Palestinians on September 5, 1972.
(Inv.Nr. N 2000/120)

Special Edition by the Federal Ministry of Education and Science on the Higher Education Framework Act of 1973, September 1973.
(Inv.Nr. Do2 2000/1804)

Football with the Signatures of German National Players from 1954 and 1958, 1954-1958.
(Inv.Nr. AK 97/118.1-2)

Postcard "Die Zonengrenze im Harz", ca. 1964.
(Inv.Nr. PK 2001/1)