Progress as a Promise. Industrial photography in divided Germany
Facts and Dates

10 February to 29 May 2023
Exhibition Space
around 1,000 m², 1st and 2nd floor, Pei Building
Size of Exhibition
around 680 objects, list of objects
Raphael Gross
Head of exhibitions
Ulrike Kretzschmar
Head of project
Carola Jüllig
Stefanie Regina Dietzel and Carola Jüllig
David Schwalbe
Expert Advisory Board
Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky, Annette Schuhmann, Steffen Siegel, Friedrich Tietjen
Visual consultant
Mason Leaver-Yap
Exhibition architecture
Ingrid Jebram, Kira Soltani Schirazi
Exhibition architecture with
Jelle Spieker
Sylvia Möwes
Meredith Dale, Rheinsberg
Exhibition Graphics
BOK + Gärtner GmbH, Berlin/Münster
Graphic production
digidax, Potsdam
Media Design and Media Technology
Sebastian Rau
Media Installation
Eidotech GmbH, Berlin
Photography and scans
Indra Desnica, Anne-Dorte Krause
Martina Homolka (Head of Department), Stephan Böhmer, Michaela Brandt, Barbara Korbel, Matthes Nützmann, Theresa Schlagheck, Annine Woellner
Sabina Fernandez-Weiss
Exhibition construction and workshops
Nicholas Kaloplastos (Head of Department), Jens Albert, Sven Brosig, Christin Elle, Anette Forkert, Susanne Hennig, Torsten Ketteniß, Kai-Evert Kriege, Katrin Kunze, Holger Lehmann, Jörg Petzold, Ralf Schulze, Thomas Strehl, Stefan Thimm, Gunnar Wilhelm
Malermeister Antosch, Berlin
Max Leppinius GmbH Messebauten, Berlin
Exhibit Installation
Abrell & van den Berg - Ausstellungsservice GbR, Berlin
Stephan Adam (Director of Department), Maria Altnau, Christina Behrendt, Ina Frodermann, Jenny Jakubik, Henning Koch, Daniela Lange, Ilka Linz, Jana Nawrot, Berit Pohns, Nicola Schnell, Peter Schützhold, Oliver Schweinoch
Scientific programme
Nike Thurn
Film series
Jörg Friess, Ralf Forster, Jeanpaul Goergen, Günter Riederer, Florian Wüst
Education and communication
Brigitte Vogel-Janotta (Head of Department), Verena Günther, Felix Hampel, Dominique Hipp, Crawford Matthews, Maciej Peplinski, Juliane Phieler, Sarah Sporys, Wenke Wegner (Guides)
Ines Baginski, Andrea Schenk (Booking service)
Audio guide
Dieter Wenk, Berlin (Author audio guide)
Jaron Löwenberg, Marion Musiol (Speakers)
K13, Kinomischung und Tonstudio, Berlin
soundgarden audioguidance GmbH, München
Translation audioguide
John Berwick
Inclusion and accessibility
Tactile Studio, Berlin
Manuela Itzigehl
Exhibition poster
Julia Volkmar & Studio Bens