What is Enlightenment? Questions for the Eighteenth Century
Facts & Dates

18 October 2024 to 6 April 2025
Exhibition Space
around 1,100 m², Pei Building, 1st and 2nd floor
Size of Exhibition
Around 400 exhibits from the DHM collection and from lenders from Germany, France, Great Britain, Austria, the USA and Switzerland
Raphael Gross
Head of exhibitions
Ulrike Kretzschmar
Head of project
Dorlis Blume
Liliane Weissberg
Research associates
Wolfgang Cortjaens, Saro Gorgis
Project assistant
Harriet Merrow
Expert advisory board
Elisabeth Décultot, Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky, Moritz Epple, Elísio Macamo, Steffen Martus, Annette Meyer, Damien Tricoire
Filmed interviews on issues of the Enlightenment with:
Asad Q. Ahmed, Peter-André Alt, Kwame Anthony Appiah, Jens Bisky, Daniel Boyarin, Sebastian Conrad, Lorraine Daston, Adrian Daub, Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg, Annette Gordon-Reed, Kurt Grünberg, Jack Halberstam, Jürgen Kaube, Neil MacGregor, Martha C. Nussbaum, Ludger Pesch, Alexander Schwarz, Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger, Andreas Trügler, Drew Weissman, Maryam Zaree
Visual consultant
Mason Leaver-Yap
Exhibition architecture
Hans Hagemeister, Marie-Luise Uhle
Nicole Schmidt
Student assistants
Sina Aghazadehsaeini, Johannes Karger, Nina Markert, Jelle Spieker
Julia Sophia Bezold
Education and communication
Brigitte Vogel-Janotta (Head of department), Claudia Braun Carrasco, Miriam Finkeldey, Verena Günther, Rebecca Junglas, Attila Magyar, Norman Salusa, Lilja-Ruben Vowe, Max Wandel (Guides), Crawford Matthews (Outreach), Anna-Lena Janako, Andrea Schenk (Booking service)
Cooperation partners for outreach:
Bildungszentrum Lohana Berkins, Jugendgremium Schattenmuseum und Sideviews e. V., Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus, Young Arts Neukölln
Inclusion and accessibility
Allgemeiner Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverein Berlin gegr. 1874 e. V.
Bildhauerei Gerrit Arndt, Berlin
Fabian Müller, Prüfzentrum Leichte Sprache Schwaben, Donauwörth
Deutsche Zentralbücherei für Blinde zu Leipzig (DZB), Leipzig
Sign Support, Berlin
Werk5, Berlin
yomma GmbH, Berlin
Zentrum für Kultur und visuelle Kommunikation der Gehörlosen Berlin/Brandenburg e. V.
Cooperation partners for inclusion:
Finkenkrug-Schule, Berlin; Johann-August-Zeune-Schule, Berlin; Wilhelm-von-Türk-Schule, Potsdam
Dorit Aurich, Berlin; Harriet Merrow
Stephen Locke, Berlin; Valentine Meunier, Berlin; Richard Toovey, Berlin
Exhibition graphics
VISUAL SPACE AGENCY Julia Volkmar mit Anja Rausch
STUDIO BENS Jens Ludewig, Benjamin Rheinwald
Graphics production
Digidax, Potsdam
Media design and media technology
Felice Fornabaio
Media installation
Eidotech GmbH, Berlin
Photo service
Anne-Dorte Krause, Claudia Küchler
Sebastian Ahlers, Indra Desnica
Martina Homolka (Head of department), Michaela Brand, Elke Enzmann, Julia Garve, Juliane Girndt, Barbara Haussmann, Ulrike Hügle, Olaf Ignaszewski, Mathias Lang, Antje Nützmann, Matthes Nützmann, Hannah Pesch, Anne Ristau, Theresa Steinbauer-Schlagheck, Annine Wöllner, Judith Zimmer
Sabina Fernández-Weiß
Exhibition construction and workshops
Lisa Berchtold (Head of department), Jens Albert, Sven Brosig, Christin Elle, Anette Forkert, Susanne Hennig, Nicholas Kaloplastos, Torsten Ketteniß, Kai-Evert Kriege, Katrin Kunze, Holger Lehmann, Jörg Petzold, Ralf Schulze, Thomas Strehl, Stefan Thimm, Gunnar Wilhelm
Malermeister Antosch, Berlin
Max Leppinius GmbH Messebauten
Object installation
Abrell & van den Berg – Ausstellungsservice GbR, Berlin
Fritz Backhaus (Director of department), Wolfgang Cortjaens, Julia Franke, Thomas Jander, Sven Lüken, Matthias Miller, Brigitte Reineke, Lili Reyels, Thomas Weißbrich, Sabine Witt
Stephan Adam, Maria Altnau, Christina Behrendt, Ina Frodermann, Laura Groschopp, Jenny Jakubik, Daniela Lange, Alexandra de Léon, Tabea Lintzmeyer, Ilka Linz, Jana Nawrot, Nicola Schnell, Peter Schützhold, Oliver Schweinoch
Gerhard Schmitt (Head of department), Sven Bienge, Björn Eichberg, Alexandra Gelemerova, Jan-Dirk Kluge, Uwe Naujack, Magnus Wagner
Ines Baginski, Manuela Itzigehl
Scientific programme
Stephanie von Steinsdorff, Nike Thurn
Film series
Jörg Frieß, Philipp Stiasny
Audio guide
Nathanael Kuck, Berlin
K13, Kinomischung und Tonstudio, Berlin
soundgarden audioguidance GmbH, München
Communication campaign
STUDIO BENS Jens Ludewig, Benjamin Rheinwald
The Deutsches Historisches Museum has made every effort to identify and contact all rights holders. In the event of any errors or omissions, the rights holder is kindly requested to notify us.