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The provider and controller for this website in accordance with section 5 of the German Digital Services Act is the Deutsches Historisches Museum Foundation.

Stiftung Deutsches Historisches Museum

Unter den Linden 2
10117 Berlin, Germany
Tel. +49 30 203040

The Deutsches Historisches Museum Foundation, a foundation with legal capacity under public law, is under the sole responsibility of the Federal Government. It is legally represented by its President, Prof. Dr. Raphael Gross.

Legal supervision: The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
Registered office: Unter den Linden 2, 10117 Berlin, Germany
ID No. DE 263164535
Tax No. 29/667/03686

The Imprint also applies to the following social media sites

Facebook www.facebook.com/DeutschesHistorischesMuseum | www.facebook.com/ZeughauskinoBerlin

YouTube www.youtube.com/user/dhmchannel

Instagram www.instagram.com/dhmberlin

LinkedIn linkedin.com/company/deutsches-historisches-museum

SoundCloud www.soundcloud.de/dhmberlin

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/31naiaehm2bgg6io45qhrr3ogtka

Editorial team

Vivien Gidde, Peter Schützhold (DHM), Jörg Frieß (Zeughauskino)

Nicola Schnell (LinkedIn)


Daniela Lange, Alexandra de León


Jan-Dirk Kluge, Magnus Wagner, Gerhard Schmitt


Corinna Krause

Sign language

yomma GmbH


Lance Anderson www.lance-anderson.com
Stephen Locke s-locke@t-online.de


Deutsches Historisches Museum
David von Becker www.davidvonbecker.com
Thomas Bruns www.thomasbruns.com
Sandra Kühnapfel kuehnapfel-fotografie.de
Wolfgang Siesing www.wolf.siesing.de
Cordia Schlegelmilch www.cordia-schlegelmilch.de
Yves Sucksdorff sucksdorff.de
Eric Tschernow www.tschernow.de
Mathias Völzke mathiasvoelzke.com

Concept, design and technical implementation

3pc GmbH New Communication

Online ticket partner

cinetixx GmbH
Friedenheimer Brücke 21
80639 Munich, Germany

Ticket shop

Giant Monkey GmbH
Brunnenstraße 39
10115 Berlin


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The Deutsches Historisches Museum Foundation has the sole rights of use to all copyright-protected content (texts, images, videos, audio files) reproduced on this website, unless expressly indicated otherwise. If you are interested in using it, please contact the Communication Department or the Photo service of the Deutsches Historisches Museum Foundation.

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OS platform

Online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 (1) of the EU’s ODR Regulation. The European Commission has provided an online dispute resolution (ODR) platform which can be found at: ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.