New Perspectives in the History of German Judaism, Fascism, and Sexuality

Conference, 6 to 9 June 2019
On the occasion of the 100th birthday of Professor George L. Mosse three generations of historians will gather to commemorate and analyze his ongoing influence in European, Jewish, and Gender history, as well as the continued resonance of the Mosse family legacy in Berlin.
Scholars from Germany, Israel, and the United States will meet in Mosse’s childhood city of Berlin to discuss the questions that continue to emerge from his research, including: How does gender as a category of analysis continue to modify our understanding of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Europe? What are the limits of liberalism? What role do racial stereotypes play in political culture before and after 1945? And how have historians expanded Mosse’s analysis of Nazi ideology to better understand the Holocaust and the history of twentieth-century Europe?
This conference takes place in cooperation between the George L. Mosse Program in History and the Deutsches Historisches Museum.
Lectures will be held in English
as of 28 May 2019
Thursday, June 6
Zeughauskino at Deutsches Historisches Museum, Entrance: Am Zeughaus 1-2, 10117 Berlin
13:00 Registration
14:00 Mossestadt: The Mosse Family in Berlin
- Meike Hoffmann, Freie Universität Berlin, “In Search of Lost Art: MARI, the Mosse Art Research Initiative”
- Frank Mecklenburg, Leo Baeck Institute New York, “The Mosse Family in Berlin, Cultural Capital for Subsequent Generations”
- Roger Strauch, the Mosse Foundation, “The Mosse Art Restitution Project: A Personal Perspective”
- Elisabeth Wagner, Humboldt Universität Berlin, “Absence/Presence: The Berlin Mosse Topography”
Commentator/Chair: Skye Doney, George L. Mosse Program in History
Friday, June 7
Zeughauskino at Deutsches Historisches Museum, Entrance: Am Zeughaus 1-2, 10117 Berlin
9:00 Registration
10:30 Official Conference Welcome
- Raphael Gross, Deutsches Historisches Museum
11:00 Opening Keynote
- Steven Aschheim, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “George Mosse & European Cultural History”
Commentator/Chair: Raphael Gross, Deutsches Historisches Museum
12:00 Lunch Break
13:30 Panel I: Jews and Germans: Languages of Culture
- Darcy Buerkle, Smith College, “Weimar Imaginaries”
- David Sorkin, Yale University, “Between Emancipation and Bildung: Constructing German Jewry”
- Marc Volovici, University of London, “German-speaking Jews and German-reading Jews in Early Zionism”
Commentator/Chair: Ofer Ashkenazi, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
15:00 Break
15:15 Panel II: Studying Totalitarianism
- Udi Greenberg, Dartmouth College, “Ecumenism and Nazism”
- Stefanie Schüler-Springorum, TU Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, “Sex and Violence: ‘Race Defilement’ in Weimar and Nazi Germany”
- Robert Zwarg, Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, “‘There is nothing innocuous left.’ The Problem of the Everyday”
Commentator/Chair: David Warren Sabean, UCLA
Saturday, June 8
Zeughauskino at Deutsches Historisches Museum, Entrance: Am Zeughaus 1-2, 10117 Berlin
9:00 Registration
10:00 Panel III: Fascism, Populism, Authoritarianism
- Andreas Huyssen, Columbia University, “Prophets of Deceit Redivivus”
- Mary Nolan, New York University, “Is Right-Wing Populism Fascist? Reflections on Economics and Gender”
- Enzo Traverso, Cornell University, “Conceptualizing Fascism: The Legacy of George L. Mosse”
Commentator/Chair: Anson Rabinbach, Princeton University
11:30 Break
11:45 Panel IV: Nationalism, Violence, Total War
- Stefanos Geroulanos, New York University, “The Human Body in the Age of Catastrophe: Medical Metaphors in 1920s European Colonial and International Politics”
- Elissa Mailänder, Sciences Po Paris, Center for History Paris, “People Working. Leisure, Love, and Violence in Nazi Concentration Camps”
- Mary Louise Roberts, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “Race and Sexual Violence in the European Theater of War, 1944-1945”
Commentator/Chair: Atina Grossmann, The Cooper Union
13:15 Lunch Break
15:00 Panel V: Gender, Sexuality, and Mass Politics
- Anna Hájková, University of Warwick, “People Without History Are Dust: Queer Desire in the Holocaust”
- Regina Mühlhäuser, Universität Hamburg, “‘One has to Anticipate what Eludes Calculation’: Reconceptualizing Sexual Violence as Weapon during the German War of Annihilation”
- Michael P. Steinberg, Brown University Providence, “Antisemitism and the Politics of Displacement”
Commentator/Chair: Moshe Sluhovsky, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Sunday, June 9
W. Michael Blumenthal Academy of Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin
9:00 Registration
10:00 Panel VI: Mosse Fellows Panel I
- Adi Armon, George L. Mosse Program in History, UW-Madison, “Max Nordau between George L. Mosse and Benzion Netanyahu”
- Arie Dubnov, George Washington University, “Mosse’s Jerusalem, Mosse in Jerusalem”
- Adi Gordon, Amherst College, “Mosse’s Portrait of Nationalism, Preceded by Nationalism’s Portrait of Mosse”
Commentator/Chair: Doris L. Bergen, University of Toronto, and Sunny Yudkoff, University of Wisconsin-Madison
12:00 Lunch Break
- Jeffrey Herf: “How George L. Mosse Influenced My Scholarship”
14:45 Panel VII: Mosse Fellows Panel II
- Rebekka Grossmann, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, “South-East of Berlin. A German Jewish Photojournalist in India”
- David Harrisville, Furman University, “Morality, Nazi Ideology, and the Individual in the Third Reich”
- Ethan Katz, University of California, Berkeley, “Colonialism and the Holocaust in a North African Key: How the Jewish Insurgency in Algiers Reframes the Question”
- Sarah Wobick-Segev, Koebner Center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “German Jews Beyond Judaism? Secularism and Religious Change”
Commentator/Chair: Isabel V. Hull, Cornell University
17:00 Closing Keynote
- Aleida Assmann, Universität Konstanz, Yale University, “Mosse’s Europe: Can it be Saved?”
Chair: Peter Schäfer, Jüdisches Museum Berlin
George L. Mosse Program in History
University of Wisconsin-Madison
455 N. Park St. 5231
Mosse Humanities
Madison, Wisconsin 53706
Tel. +1 (608) 263-1835
Steven Aschheim, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Ofer Ashkenazi, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Skye Doney, George L. Mosse Program in History
Atina Grossmann, The Cooper Union
Lou Roberts, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Anson Rabinbach, Princeton University
Moshe Sluhovsky, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
David Sorkin, Yale University
John Tortorice, George L. Mosse Program in History
Fritz Thyssen Stiftung
George L. Mosse Program in History
Hebrew University of Jerusalem Franz Rosenzweig Center
Hebrew University of Jerusalem History Department
Hebrew University of Jerusalem Institute of History
Jüdisches Museum Berlin
Schwules Museum, Berlin
Koebner Center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Leo Baeck Institute – London
Leo Baeck Institute – New York
Mosse-Lectures an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
TU Berlin Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung
University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Jewish Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department