The terrible days have come, and the question was written in everybody’s face: What will become of us? The days passed, one after another, and in sadness. On a Sunday, on the 20th of April, big trucks came to Galánta. They stopped in front of the Jewish shops, and they took the goods away. On this day, the Council of Jews was founded. There was an order that Jews must no longer use vehicles. Going from one village to the next was also prohibited. The newspaper wrote the message in big letters: Jews must wear a 10 cm sized yellow star. These days were before Pesach, in the spring of 1944. I remember that my mother had no patience to clean with the woman. They unsuccessfully tried to persuade my sister, so I was left with all the cleaning. On the outside, I hadn’t changed. On the outside, I was still merry Sheindi who doesn’t care about anything.