Aus dem Fernseharchiv

Das Mädchen und die Tauben (BRD 1986)
The archives of Germany's public television broadcasters contain a little-known treasure trove: feature films, some by prominent directors and/or screenwriters, made mainly in the 1960s and 1970s, when the broadcasters were both a training and experimental ground for up-and-coming filmmakers. These are purely TV productions, which were generally only shown on television, but reached an audience of millions there. The series Aus dem Fernseharchiv (From the Television Archive), initiated and co-curated by Jan Gympel, aims to draw attention to this largely forgotten part of German film history: Every month, a television feature film from the holdings of the Deutsche Kinemathek's Television Collection will be presented.
Aus dem Fernseharchiv is a cooperation with the Deutsche Kinemathek - Museum für Film und Fernsehen.