
Every first Friday of the month, we present treasures of German film history. The program Wiederentdeckt [Rediscovered] presents feature films that have fallen into oblivion, were overlooked by their contemporary audiences, or have been underestimated or ignored by film historians. The program shows marginalized films as well as representatives of genre cinema and popular films from all phases of German feature film history. The series invites the audience not only to see these works again, but also to re-examine their judgments and memories. Each program will be introduced by film historians and experts who give the audience insight into the movies’ production histories and their reception. The results are published in Filmblatt, the only professional journal on German-language film heritage. Wiederentdeckt is curated by Cinegraph Babelsberg in close cooperation with the Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv, the Deutsche Kinemathek, and the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung.