Logo - Calvinism - The Reformed Protestants in Germany and Europe
DHM Logo - duration of the exhibition
Poster - Calvinism - The Reformed Protestants in Germany and Europe

Imprint Exhibiton


The Reformed Protestants in Germany and Europe


An exhibition of the German Historical Museum

and the Johannes a Lasco-Library, Emden


1 April 2009 to 19 July 2009


I. M. Pei Buildung


German Historical Museum

Unter den Linden 2

10117 Berlin


Hans Ottomeyer

Head of Exhibition Department
Ulrike Kretzschmar

Ansgar Reiß und Sabine Witt

Scientific Collaboration
Thomas Weißbrich

Student Assistants
Saskia Klemp und Robert Stock

Kajsa Brilkman, Balázs Jádi, Nina Maria Maßek, Robert Winkelmann, Jana Wüst

Exhibition Design
Peggy Laws, Katharina Pensin, Werner Schulte

Exhibition Production
DHM Werkstätten

Exhibition Graphics
Chris Dormer

Realisation Media Technology
Stefan Kontra

Vocalconsort Berlin unter der Leitung von Klaus-Martin Bresgott,
mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Hansischen Druck- und Verlagshause
Chor des Reformierten Kollegiums, Debrecen


Stephen Locke

Responsibility for Conservation Issues
Conservation Department of the DHM

Catherine Amé, Regina Gelbert,
Edith Michelsen, Mara Weiß

Manuela Itzigehl

Rudolf B. Trabold, Pressereferent
Soja Trautmann, Nicola Schnell, Ina Frodermann

Poster and Advertisement
Dorén + Köster, Berlin

Learning and Education
Stefan Bresky und Brigitte Vogel
Besucherservice: Jana Roeseler
Referententeam: Florian Ehrich, Sarah Link, Marcel Knuth, Antje Nürnberg,
Friedrun Portele, Marion Tulka, Guilhem Zumbaum-Tomasi

Supporting Material
Tobias Reckling und Brigitte Vogel mit
Wilhelm Berendt, Achim Detmers, Saskia Klemp, Antje Nürnberg,
Friedrun Portele, Robert Stock, Stephan Theilig, Guilhem Zumbaum-Tomasi

Audio Guide
Tobias Reckling
Tonstudio: K13, Michael Kazcmarek, Berlin

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