Logo – Gulag: Traces and Testimonies 1929–1956
17 May 2013 to 8 December 2013 Exhibition Hall DHM Schriftzug
Poster – Gulag: Traces and Testimonies 1929–1956



KatalogcoverThe volume documents the Gulag with the aid of significant objects, and presents hitherto unknown historical photos and documents. The biographies of former camp inmates moreover provide an overview of the wide range of fates suffered under persecution. Supplementary scholarly articles by Nicolas Werth and Irina Sherbakova shed light on the international research into the history of the Gulag and describe the activities and collections of the "Memorial" Society.

The catalogue is published by Volkhard Knigge and Irina Sherbakova, the "Memorial" Society, Moscow, in connection with the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation. It is published by Wallstein Verlag Göttingen and has 155 pages w/ over 150 colour and b/w ill., 90 pages exhibition presentation, 30 pages with two scholarly contributions by Nicolas Werth and Irina Sherbakova. It costs € 14.90 and can be ordered from the museum shop by email verkauf@dhm.de with an additional fee of 6 euro for shipping and handling (internationally, 9 euro).