Logo - Art of Two Germanys / Cold War Cultures
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Poster - Art of Two Germanys / Cold War Cultures

Exhibiton | 1945-1949 Continuity or New Beginning? | 1950-1959 Dispute about the Image of Man

1960-1979 Contemporaneousness - Trauma of the Past | 1980-1989 Manic Normality in Germany


Continuity or New Beginning?

The exhibition begins with the question of Continuity or New Beginning. It shows how German artists reacted to the breach of civilization by the National Socialists and to the Second World War during the time between the “unconditional surrender” and the founding of the two German states in 1949. Many of them took up artistic traditions from the pre-Nazi period again. This continuity contradicts the view of the historical situation as the “Zero Hour”. Nevertheless many artists nourished the idea that it was a new beginning.

Ernst Wilhelm Nay - Tochter der Hekate I, 1945
Ernst Wilhelm Nay -
Tochter der Hekate I, 1945
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© 2009 Ernst Wilhelm Nay Stiftung
Gerhard Altenbourg - Ecce homo I (Sterbender Krieger), 1949
Gerhard Altenbourg
Ecce homo I (Sterbender Krieger), 1949
Altenburg, Lindenau-Museum
©2009 Gerhard Altenbourg Stiftung
Foto: Bernd Sinterhauf, Berlin
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