360° Panoramas
Start flash panorama here.
For this panorama you need the Adobe Flash Player.
Here you can take a virtual round tour through the exhibition.
Please click on a thumbnail to get to the actual panorama.
By dragging with pressed mouse button you can navigate into the desired direction..
A Quicktime-Plugin is necessary (only for PC and Mac). [Download: Quicktime]
10. International Conflicts
9. Portugal in the 16th Century - 2
9. Portugal in the 16th Century - 1
8. Art and Curiosity Cabinets
7.3 Missionary Work
7. Portugal Overseas
6. New Worlds - Old Empires
11. Foreign Images
5.2 Reception and Further Development in Central Europe
5.1 Navigation and Portuguese Cartography
4. Voyages of Discovery
2. Portugal in the Middle Ages
3. Conditions at the Start